Babe's Bounty

Demon Dawgs MC - San Diego Chapter - Book Nine


As The Demon Dawg Enforcer, I’m responsible for bashing the heads of anyone who disrespects the club. My weapon of choice is a good old-fashioned baseball bat. It’s how I got my name, Babe. Named for one of the best players who ever played the greatest game, baseball. I’m used to swinging my bat and hitting home runs. Until Ghost’s cousin, Min, enters my world. Now all I ever seem to do it strike out.


I used to be sweet. That was a long time ago. Having your cousin order his younger brother to kill you changes a person. Leaving everything you’ve ever known behind as you flee for your life changes a person. Witnessing a murder changes a person. I’m no longer sweet. I’m terrified. It’s why I took up martial arts and why I became a bounty hunter. I’ll do whatever I can to protect myself. Because he knows I saw him and he won’t rest until he’s killed me, too.


Amazon Reviews

Kindle Customer


Can't wait for the rest of the series. I am going to read the other clubs next. Oh I can't wait

Robin L

Another great book in the series

The Demon Dawg series just keeps getting better. I like the interaction between all of the chapters - San Diego, Las Vegas, Chicago, and New Orleans. The ongoing storyline is great. Babe and Min were perfect together. This book is action packed and a must read! Looking forward to whatever comes next!

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